Registration is fast, simple and free so Join Today! Due to the recent Maintenance, you may need to clear the cache on your web browser.we will continue the party with the latest pics from Black Jack F1 FV, and the Jack 47 pics come later. As you see, there’re a variety of flowers and some of them... Black Jack F1Fast Version ® :: Просмотр темы ::… Black Jack F1Fast Version ®. Модераторы: SweetSeedsJaypp, SweedSeedsRosty, SweetSeeds, SweetSeedsTommy.SweetSeedsJaypp олдовый. Добавлено: 04.03.15 17:15. Заголовок сообщения: Black Jack F1Fast Version ®. Регистрация: 20.11.2014 Сообщения: 95. Black Jack F1 Fast Version - Sweet Seeds Black Jack F1 Fast Version. Write a review. Sweet.Like the original version, this strain produces very powerful and productive plants with strong and long branches laden with aromatic buds. Black Jack F1 Fast Version Sweet Seeds | Grow Shop… Esta versión acorta una semana el tiempo de floración con respecto a su versión original. Indica/Sativa: 50%/50%. Producción Interior: 500-600 g/m2. Producción Exterior: 500-700 g/planta. Floración Interior: 7-8 semanas. Cosecha Exterior: mediados de septiembre. Black Jack F1 Fast...
Black Jack F1 Fast Version | Sweet Seeds Fem: 3 + 1 Zdarma od…
El resto de las características iniciales se mantienen en la Black Jack F1 FV (fast version). Esta variedad de Cannabis se puede cultivar tanto en interior como en exterior, y con ambos métodos se pueden obtener buenas cosechas. La planta es robusta y resistente, adecuada tanto para cultivadores principiantes como experimentados. Black Jack F1 Fast Version (Sweet Seeds) - Black Jack F1 Fast Version® trademark by Sweet Seeds® Feminized and photoperiod-dependent version with an ultra-fast flowering of one of the first and most appreciated strains of our catalog, our Black Jack® (SWS01). Black Jack F1 Fast Version Feminized Marijuana Seeds by Sweet ...
Black Jack - Jack 47. F1 Fast Version 2014 [Test Grow] - Test ...
Sale of feminized Black Jack Fast Version Marijuana, is a potnet and very aromatic strain. Super- fast and suitable for beginners.Black Jack F1 FV is the new feminized super fast flowering Marijuana strain from Sweet Seeds. It provides a potent high, a sweet flavor and incensed and woody aroma.
Pozor!! V Republiki Sloveniji je gojenje omenjene rastline še vedno prepovedano! Semena so namenjena izključno v zbirateljske namene. Trgovina Cannajoy ne prevzema nobene odgovornosti v primeru zlorabe semen. Semen ne prodajamo osebam mlajšim od 18 let.
Το Black Jack F1 Fast Version είναι η θηλυκοποιημένη και μή αυτόματη εκδοχή, με πολύ γρήγορη ανθοφορία μίας από τις πρώτες και πιο εκτιμώμενες ποικιλίες του καταλόγου της Sweer Seeds, το Black Jack (SWS01). Αυτό το F1 υβρίδιο είναι το αποτέλεσμα απότη διασταύρωση ανάμεσα σε μία...
Сорт Black Jack F1 Fast Version fem (Sweet Seeds)
This balanced and non-autoflowering hybrid needs shortened blooming time of 7-8 weeks to produce up to 500-700g/m². S.A.D. x Jack Herer! Jack 47 F1 Fast Version | Semillas feminizadas Sweet Seeds 3 semenech + 1 zdarma33,00 € 5 semenech + 2 zdarma55,00 € Začněte nakupovat Femizovaná, nesamonakvétací verze, s velmi krátkou dobou květu. Jedna z našich [..
Black Jack F1 Fast Version (Sweet Seeds) :: Cannabis Black Jack F1 Fast Version® trademark by Sweet Seeds® Feminized and photoperiod-dependent version with an ultra-fast flowering of one of the first and most appreciated strains of our catalog, our Black Jack® (SWS01). Black Jack F1 Fast Version (Sweet Seeds) - YouTube Dec 26, 2017 · Black Jack F1 Fast Version (Sweet Seeds) en Diosa Planta: Di... Black Jack F1 Fast Version – Real Gorilla Seeds